Monday, March 26, 2007

One thing about the global warming issue that really touches me, and that was also mentioned in Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," is the stranding of polar bears.

I was reading an article on the topic, and the atricle explained to me that polar bears have been dying and it is a possibility that they could become extinct. In previous years polar bears have been known to be quite big and heavy, but the article suggests otherwise; that now polar bears appear to be skinnier. The reason that this is a problem is because polar bears need their body fat to keep them alive; especially when the temperatures drop to below freezing levels.

Because of global warming, glaciers and ice caps have been melting drastically leaving the bears nowhere to go. With just water ahead of them, the bears grow tired, weary, and vulnerable. Having nowhere to rest, the bears eventually drown.

Article Link.

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